Our ambition? To create the optimal customer experience for our clients.
Client partnerships that produce remarkable results
For almost 20 years, we’ve consistently punch above our weight. Our track-record is unblemished and we’ve major global companies as clients. Why us? It’s partly because we deliver what we say we can do. It’s also about our unique tool-set and methods that bring a competitive advantage. It’s also about the remarkable individuals we do business with and their willingness to work with us openly and with integrity.
Business & Process Design
We work with your team to better understand what matters to customers. Then we use Balanced Scorecarding methods to articulate your strategy. In the next step, we tune your business model and associated processes to maximize customer value, hone propositions and minimize back-office costs.
Digital Platforms
We design and build Digital Platforms that fully leverage your back-office systems and existing data, to get your customer experience the last mile.
Data Engineering
We make sense of your data, improve its quality, organize it, and form the data landscapes that matter most to your business.
Designing Customer Experience
We apply technology to deliver game changing customer experiences and shape a data-driven business.
Our methods
Methods matter. They bring predictability of approach, deliver predictable results and maximize returns. NDMC has been an innovator in no-code software development platforms . We’ve been evolving customer experience methods and technologies since 2002. We’ve laid the foundation for digital understanding of organizational designs with our OrgDNA model… and we invented Live Wire-framing app design, conversational marketing theory and the SONAR2 sales enablement systems today adopted by tech companies around the globe.